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Fill in the form below and a member of the team will be in touch ASAP.

1300 689 866

General Enquiries 24/7

1300 111 688
Sales Hotline

1300 855 038
Hardship Hotline

Fault & Emergencies

Find your local distributor here.
For blackouts, faults and outages in your area, contact your energy distributor

Suite 05, Level 29, 225 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

PO Box R241 Royal Exchange, NSW, 1225

PO Box R241 Royal Exchange, NSW, 1225

want to get in touch?

Email us and we will be in touch with lightning speed.

Other Contact Services

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Our energy experts are here to answer any questions you may have.


1300 460 888
Weekdays, 9am-8pm

Feedback & Complaints

Letting us know about your experience with us helps to improve the way we do business in our systems, policies and procedures. If you have feedback, or an issue you'd like us to resolve, contact us by sending an email to or call us at 1300 689 866 to discuss how we can work together.

If you're not satisfied with how we handle your complaint or query, please contact Energy and Water Ombudsman

For more details, please refer to our Standard Complaints and Dispute Resolution Policy.