Having trouble paying your bill?
Here's how we can help

For more ways to pay your bill, explore our payment options.


The Australian government is partnering with state and territory governments to provide up to
$3 billion in electricity bill relief for eligible households and small businesses

CovaU have a wide range of options available to you to help get you back on track.

Need a little more time? Contact Us and request an invoice extension.


Payment Plans

We're committed to making bill payments hassle-free. Flexible payment plans are available with either weekly, fortnightly, or monthly scheduled payments based on your estimated energy usage for the next 12 months to help clear your arrears and stay on top of your new bills.

More tailored options may be available to you, just reach out to our energy experts and we'll show you how we can help.

Victorian customers may access additional support options under the Payment Difficulty Framework which may include arrears only payment plans or suspending an overdue balance for a period of time.


Energy Savings

Keeping track of your energy usage will empower you to understand how much is being consumed, identify peak usage periods, and determine which appliances may be contributing to your higher energy bills.

Visualise your energy usage by logging in to MyAccount.

Reducing your energy usage is easier than you think - see our energy saving tips.



You may be eligible for a better offer based on your unique usage and meter tariff. Call us today on 1300 689 866 to explore what plan and meter options may be available for you.


Concession and Rebates

Various concessions, rebates, and grant programs are made available by state governments to help individuals stay on top of their energy bills – find concessions you may be eligible for.



CentrePay is a free, voluntary service to help customers arrange regular deductions from their Centrelink payments.

You can start or change a deduction at any time. The quickest way to do it is through your Centrelink account online. Visit for more information.


Government Programs

The Australian government provides support to individuals through the National Debt Hotline and Moneysmart, offering valuable resources for managing finances, debt reduction, and accessing financial counselling if needed.

Support is available to small business owners facing financial trouble. The Small Business Debt Helpline is a free service to help guide you explore various industry grants and relief programs you may be eligible for.


Family Violence Assistance

Assistance is available to you – more information


Need more information?

Hardship Policy NSW, QLD, ACT, SA, TAS

Hardship Policy VIC

Hardship Policy Brochure VIC

Victorian Energy Saver